• 01872 863333
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Feock Community Transport Scheme

Booking line 07904 547822.
Open Monday to Friday 9am to 12 noon.

Our local transport scheme was founded when Cornwall Council funding cuts struck the Corlink service in Summer 2014.  It offers people of all ages in the parish, left stranded without access to transport in Devoran, Feock, Carnon Downs and Point and Penpol the chance to book a volunteer driver who will give them a lift to help them get out and about in the Parish to places such as Doctors, Dentist, the local shop or the hairdressers. 

Unfortunately we are not able to offer trips to Royal Cornwall Hospital Treliske, however Age UK’s TAP Service does offer lifts to Treliske and can be contacted on 01872 223388.

How does the scheme work?

  1. Residents phone the booking line number below and give all details of their required journey, for example is it a return journey? do you need the driver to drop you off and pick you up again later or wait for you?
  2. The Parish Council will check if a volunteer is available for your journey and call you back to confirm if a volunteer is available and their name.
  3. There is a recommended donation payable to the Parish Council via the driver for journeys, this all goes towards covering the cost of running the scheme and the mileage allowance paid to the driver, you will be advised of the recommended donation cost at the time of booking. 
  4. The volunteer driver will collect you in their own car and you need to pay them in cash at the time of the journey. 

The car service itself is available for journeys on Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 3pm (approximately). If you need to travel outside of these times please still contact us as we may be able to find a volunteer available.  

We will do our best to accommodate trips but it is useful for us if you can give us at least 48 hours notice (except for medical appointments as we understand that these sometimes cannot be made in advance).  However, as the scheme is run using volunteers we cannot guarantee to have a volunteer available for every trip. 

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Contact us on the link below if you have any feedback on our services or facilities.

Contact us now