For further details and prices:
Do you like to sing and have thought about joining a mixed choir....but feel hesistant?
Then come along and join us for a free trial session at The Parish Centre- behind Devoran Parish Church from 7.15pm until 8.45pm on Tuesdays, in term times, starting 13th September.
We are The Riverside Singers and we sing a wide variety of music, a cappella and often arranged by our enthusiastic musical director, Sophia Halling.
Sometimes we perform in public but our main objective is to enjoy singing as a group and reaching a good standard. There is no need to be able to read music, as we learn by ear and we do not have auditions.
If you would like to know more, please phone either Helen on 07747740987 or 01209 821310 or John on 01872 865431
Quiz Nights
Every Tuesday from 7.30pm
The Old Quay Inn, Devoran
Half Time Snacks!
Commences 15th October
£3 per person to enter
Please book in advance - 01872 863142
Zest for Life Fitness with Zoe
Wednesdays 9.15am @ Devoran Village Hall
Produce Van
Fish, Fruit & Veg, Eggs, Preserves, Dairy Produce
Wednesdays 9.30 - Noon
Devoran Village Hall Car Park
Also Saturdays from approx. 13.30pm (except Village Market days)
U3A Art
St Feock Church Church Community Hall - 1.30 - 4pm
Every Wednesday (except 4th Wednesday of the month)
For further details and prices: : or
For further details and prices: 07796 142297